Course curriculum

    1. Exponential Australia Multipliers Round Table

    2. Download the full Church Growth, Decline, Planting and Multiplication in Australia Report prepared by NCLS for Exponential Australia

    3. Download All Speakers Notes Here

    4. Welcome and Introduction - Edi Stephenson and Tim O'Neill of Exponential Australia

    5. Keys to Becoming a Church Planting Church - Richard Green

    6. Church Planter Interview - Sonya and Mohit Sampson

    7. How to Discover the Church Planters in Your Church - Gary Hourigan

    8. Tips to Gathering a Core Team - Ken Kamau Talks with Tim O'Neill

    9. Church Planter Interview - Esther and Anton Scott

    10. The Emerging Micro Church Revolution - Bree Mills

    11. Church Planting Pitfalls To Avoid - Andrew Ranucci

    12. Final Comments - Tim O'Neill, Exec Chair of Exponential Australia

    13. Speaker Profiles

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content