1. Main Session 1. Ed Stetzer: Church Multiplication That's Working Around the World

    2. Main Session 2. Ric Thorpe: How to Develop a Culture of Church Planting

    3. Main Session 3. Bree Mills: Why Australia is Rediscovering a Smaller Way

    4. Main Session 4. Dave Ferguson: Reviving the Lost Cause of Evangelism

    1. Breakout Session 1. Dave Ferguson - Five Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply

    2. Breakout Session 1. Bree Mills - Planting Slow & Small

    3. Breakout Session 1. Ric Thorpe - Practical Steps to Planting a Church

    4. Breakout Session 1. Ed Stetzer - Missiology to a Western Culture - Building a Theology of Mission

    1. Breakout Session 2. Dave Ferguson - The Great Collaboration

    2. Breakout Session 2. Bree Mills - Raising Missional Leaders

    3. Breakout Session 2. Ric Thorpe - Keys to Revitalisation & Multiplication

    4. Breakout Session 2. Ed Stetzer - Missiology to a Western Culture - Seeing The Metanarrative of Mission

    1. Q&A Session

About this course

  • $29.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content